Tohme Law Firm had the opportunity to attend the WT Crypto Academy introductory course where Mr. Niklas J.R.M. Schmidt has impeccably explained to all participants some complex subjects that he transformed into accessible material.
We have learnt the origins and the way to acquire Bitcoin, the king of Crypto, as well as Ethereum, the queen of Crypto.
Mr. Schmidt has also clarified what tokens are, what different types of tokens exist (“you can easily create your own token!”), how they are created (through a special type of smart contracts) and on which platforms they are traded.
The course included a section related to ICOs (Initial Coin Offerings), DeFi (Decentralized Finance), StableCoins such as Tether and Dai, NFT’s (Non-Fungible Tokens), Mining & Staking. We also discussed the threats and opportunities inherent to this incredible virtual world!
A special thank you to Mr. Niklas J.R.M. Schmidt who has impressed us, not only with his knowledge and experience in Crypto Assets, but also in his way of rendering this subject so accessible!
Cyrpto Academy