TLF team made a visit to Dubai from March 17 till April 6 with a threefold objective of meeting with its clients in the UAE, its partners law firms and expand its network of partners in all fields of law.
The team has put forward the services the Firm is offering, and has met with businesses in Dubai in different sectors including consulting, retail and financial services.
The Firm is also proud to be liaising with the most prominent law firms in the UAE among which international, regional and local Firms.
The Firm was also offered the opportunity to have an insight on the internal organization of the most prominent firms and will consequently implement some new enhanced processes for its internal organization and management.
Based on this successful visit, the Firm is fine tuning its strategy moving forward on the short to medium term, notably including working more closely with different actors in the legal and business fields based in the UAE, and expanding the legal services the Firm can offer in the region in close collaboration with its partners, including corporate and financial services as well as conflict resolution services, particularly arbitration.
Dubai Visit 2021